Liver Cleansing Herbs and Detox

Several ailments have been linked to the inability of the liver to perform its function at an optimal capacity due to overloading or accumulation of toxins in the body.

Ancient Chinese and Indians have used several herbs which are still in use today for the purpose of cleansing the liver.

Basically, all body system mechanism depends directly and indirectly on the activities of the liver which include:

  1. Storage and metabolism of fat
  2. Synthesis of hormone
  3. Excretion of waste products
  4. Detoxification of harmful substances
  5. Protein synthesis
  6. Storage and metabolism of carbohydrate
  7. Production of bile
  8. Synthesis of enzymes
  9. Etc

When the liver is overloaded with toxins it slows down the metabolic process and other bodily function which can make the individual feel unwell. For this reason, medical experts recommend routine detoxification of the liver.

Read about Dr Holly Lucile’s Liver Health Formula

Many factors contribute to the accumulation of toxins and other harmful substances in the liver, some of these are:

  • Indiscriminate drug use
  • Severe illness
  • Consumption of junk food
  • Exposure to harmful chemicals such as Lead and Mercury
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Hormone therapy
  • Excessive breakdown of blood cells

How to detoxify the liver

A balanced diet is necessary for liver Detox. This diet should be high in fiber, fruits and vegetable, but low in cholesterol and processed sugar.

Read about Dr. Paul’s Gut Rehab Program

Fasting and consumption of larger quantity of clear water are also very effective detoxifying agents. They provide the liver adequate time for recovery and flush out toxins respectively.

Herbs to the rescue!

Some special natural plants have been used over the years for liver cleansing; some of the most popular herbs include:

  • Dandelion root
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Turmeric
  • Chicory
  • Parsley
  • Rosehip
  • Rosemary
  • Sarsaparilla
  • Nettle
  • Peppermint

Detoxing your liver naturally is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The liver is responsible for filtering and removing toxins from the body, and if it is not functioning at optimal levels, it can cause a number of health issues.

Fortunately, there are various natural liver detox methods that can help to reduce the load on your liver, improve its functioning, and keep your body healthy. One of the best natural liver detox methods is to increase your consumption of water.

Drinking plenty of water helps to flush the toxins out of your body, and it also helps to keep your digestive system running smoothly. Additionally, eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables can help to provide your liver with the nutrients it needs to work properly.


  1. Om P Sapra

    Any pharmaceutical preparation which may contain one or more of these herbs as individual intake of one or more of these will be negligible.

  2. Matt Hayden

    Can LIVER CLEANSE cure asthma and allergies?

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